18 Months- 30 Months
Our experienced Toddler staff provide a nurturing well balanced environment that allows our children to grow and develop through exploration, play, music, and art. Children are given opportunities to learn through age appropriate toys and projects. This program is based on children’s natural curiosity and excitement while encouraging self-help, independence, language skills, fine motor and gross motor skills and promoting awareness of their own feelings as well as others. This friendly and supportive atmosphere also fosters self-esteem, problem solving skills, memory development, sorting, and teaching root skills in literacy. Our program welcomes a musical guest weekly as well as providing a nutritional lunch and snacks.

2.5 years – 4 years old
Our Preschool Program is designed to prepare our children for Kindergarten. Our Registered Early Childhood Educators encourage a healthy development through social, emotional, physical, cognitive, and language skills. This supportive environment focusses on skills such as making friends, conflict resolution, problem solving, peer group entry skills, self-help skills, cooperation, and empathy. Music, art, and play are all key components in developing this program, and most importantly, our children. This program is balanced with child-directed and teacher-directed activities that allow our children to grow in the development of phonological awareness, letter recognition skills, counting, and number operations. A musical guest visits once per week to inspire our children to learn through song, dance, rhythm, and instrument playing. Our program also provides a nutritious lunch and snacks throughout the day. All of this helps prepare them for their next move which will be kindergarten.
3 years - 5 years old
Our Kindergarten Program supports our children’s independence and eagerness to learn new concepts. This program runs from 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. and 3:20 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. during the school years and full days P.A. days, March and Christmas Break and summers The Registered Early Childhood Educators recognize the rights of children, create a sense of belonging and acceptance where every child experiences a feeling of being valued by others. They create learning environments for the full participation of all children as well as setting up learning spaces with books and print materials in many languages in order to promote languages and literacy learning that reflect diversity in unbiased ways. This program promotes continuous learning in social, emotional, language, cognitive and physical skills. The goal of this program is to create learning environments and caring communities where children play collaboratively and participate together in the daily routines and transitions. Our program provides nutritious snacks in the morning and afternoon and children bring their own lunches. When your child finished kindergarten they will move up into the schoolage program.
School age
5 years - 12 years old
Our School Age Program places an emphasis on building a community that promotes respect, trust, humility, self-esteem, cooperation, independence, collaborative skills, problem solving and conflict resolution. Our goal is to assure the healthy development of every child so that each one has the knowledge, skills and resiliency to be successful in a rapidly changing world. Our program encourages children to feel included and appreciated by peers and adults, are respected for their different abilities, cultures, gender, interests and dreams, are actively involved in their own learning, and have positive expectations from others that they will succeed. Partnerships within our very own community help strengthen the ability to meet the needs of our school agers and support their learning. During P.A. Days, Winter Break, March Break, and Summer Break, we invite community members to enhance our program, as well as taking field trips around our city. Our program provides nutritious snacks in the morning and afternoon and children bring their own lunches.